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The famous Steven Spielberg film Schindler's List focused attention on people like Oscar Schindler, who - at great risk to themselves and their families - helped Jews escape the Nazi genocide. These non-Jews are called Righteous Among The Nations Of The World. They are the spiritual heirs to the thirty-six Gentiles mentioned in Jewish legend whose purpose in every generation, unknown to themselves or to others, is to assist their fellow man in his hour of greatest despair.

The Holocaust survivor, the author Elie Wiesel, has dedicated his life to ensuring that none of us forget what happened to the Jews. The Nobel Prize recipient wrote:

"In those times there was darkness everywhere. In heaven and on earth, all the gates of compassion seemed to have been closed. The killer killed and the Jews died and the outside world adopted an attitude either of complicity or of indifference. Only a few had the courage to care."

The Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of six million Jews during the Nazi genocide - in 1933 nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Nazi Germany during World War 2. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed.


The number of children killed during the Holocaust is not fathomable and full statistics for the tragic fate of children who died will never be known. Estimates range as high as 1.5 million murdered children. This figure includes more than 1.2 million Jewish children, tens of thousands of Gypsy children and thousands of institutionalized handicapped children who were murdered under Nazi rule in Germany and occupied Europe.

In his book Sheltering The Jews the Holocaust historian Mordecai Paldiel later wrote:

"Never before in history had children been singled out for destruction for no other reason than having been born. Children, of course, were no match for the Nazis' mighty and sophisticated killing machine .."


Nazi Crimes - Warning: Graphic Photos

The Wannsee Conference

Nazi Medical Experiments

Holocaust Photos


Holocaust In Memoriam

A Letter To God

Porajmos - Sinti And Roma

Albert Goering - The Good Brother

Graphic Holocaust Photos

Dachau Holocaust Photos

Wilm Hosenfeld from The Pianist

Varian Fry, The American Schindler

Kurt Gerstein, SS Officer

Nicholas Winton

Miep Gies

The Children Of Izieu

The Forgotten Holocaust

Photos - The Holocaust children

The Children Of Bullenhuser Damm

Hitler and the Nazi Genocide

The Nazi Genocide

Men Of Courage

Holocaust Photos
Father Kolbe, Saint Of Auschwitz

Stroop - The Warsaw Ghetto

Canaris, The Decent Nazi

Henriette von Schirach

Albert Goering - A Story Of Courage

The Unsung Heroines

The Last Letters

Photos - Medical Experiments - Warning!

Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder

New domain: www.shoah.dk

Gates To Hell

Berthold Beitz

Courage and Survival

The Auschwitz Children

The Shoah Bookstore
Holocaust Children
Anne Frank
The Story of Rivka



Hell of Sobibor


Anker Jørgensen I

Sange til Anker

Ode Til Anker


Anker Jørgensen II

Albert Speer

Josef Mengele, Dødens Engel

Den lille pige i rødt



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